Body image and self worth, oftewel lichaamsbeeld en eigenwaarde.
Via Dolores Cannon ben ik ooit geïnteresseerd geraakt in hypnose, Dolores was naast een briljant hypnotherapeut ook een fantastisch schrijfster. Inmiddels heb ik alles van haar gelezen en lees ik nog steeds veel, daarom onderstaand verhaal uit een QHHT/BQH sessie over Lichaamsbeeld en Eigenwaarde, uit het boek We say this with Love van uitgeverij Conversations with Heaven on Earth. Ik raad ze allemaal aan om te lezen, zeker als je geïnteresseerd bent in metafysica.
Zoals de meesten van jullie wel zullen weten werk ik met QM Hypnose wat weer gebaseerd is op de QHHT methode van Dolores Cannon. QHHT heeft zich na het overlijden van Dolores verder ontwikkelt in BQH. Vanuit deze invalshoek de volgende sessie waarbij de cliënt verteld over het belang van het hebben van een goed lichaamsbeeld en eigenwaarde.
Het je niet waard genoeg voelen is een veelvuldig terugkerend thema in de praktijk.
De cliënt in deze sessie is totaal ontspannen en relaxt. In deze bewustzijnsstaat vertellen de Arcturians, via de cliënt de volgende wijsheden voor de cliënt maar ook aan de lezer.

Ik kan me voorstellen dat niet iedereen meteen weet wie Arcturians zijn, dat geeft niet, wij mensen geven nu eenmaal graag labels aan alles wat we zien of juist niet kunnen waarnemen.
Alles is uiteindelijk energie en alles vibreert op een bepaalde frequentie, deze frequentie of golflengte zorgt er voor dat alles een unieke ‘vingerafdruk’ heeft. Dat ‘iets’ niet waarneembaar is met ons beperkt waarnemingsvermogen wil niet zeggen dat het er niet is. De Arcturians zijn een collectief die in een bepaalde frequentie overal om eens heen aanwezig zijn.
Lees het verhaal gewoon eens op het gemakje door en bepaal zelf of het resoneert met je Zelf. Wat kun jij er uit halen? En als je iets uit kunt halen, kun je het dan toepassen in je eigen leven?
Wat ik vaak lees dat het absorberen van kennis één is maar dat het nog veel belangrijker is om het geleerde daadwerkelijk in je huidige leven toe te passen.
De originele tekst is het Engels, de gemiddelde leesduur is ongeveer 25 minuten. Voor een vrije vertaling naar het Nederlands kun je hier terecht. Voor mij persoonlijk vindt ik het Engels duidelijker dan de Nederlandse vertaling. Enjoy!
Sessie 33: Body image and Self Worth
Yes, Yes, yes. We are here. We’re here. We’re here and we’re so pleased that you’ve reached out to us because we know that you are feeling it very deeply to be responsible to heal it. This is fantastic because this is a collective consciousness learning experience for all.
As you know, triggers are a fantastic opportunity to grow and to look at things that you may have thought were no longer an issue. As you know, with this marvelous thing that you call time and we call experiences – all experiences are still ongoing as you are still here on Earth having the game of life. Therefore, there is no such thing as past or present; you’re all having this range of emotional experiences and there is no such thing as time when you were learning lessons. This isn’t just a yearly thing, a monthly thing, a seasonal thing, a trend or a phase thing; these are the solid themes that have gone on throughout all of your lives.
As you were on your journey to empowerment, we saw many of you feeling so attached to yourself that this reflects on the body. When you are still trying to understand and feel comfortable being human and you don’t feel empowered to be human because you’re still trying to understand and ascertain (vaststellen) the lessons and the play you’re in, the game you are in.
We see many of you who feel insecure, rejected, not loved, all of the dense range of emotions you can reflect this upon your self-worth and self-esteem. We say many of you have been misusing your body, but in fact, it’s a direct representation of how you feel about yourselves. We say this is an individual expression/statement: do not confuse skinny people being happy and do not confuse larger people being sad or depressed. You can’t have that assumption, but we are saying many of you have been impacted because you do not feel loved, don’t feel safe, and don’t feel the things that you need to feel to empower yourself. When you have it recognized, you can be able to be self-sufficient to give it to yourselves. When you’re still seeking and trying to be teammates to work together with humanity, when you realize that humanity’s busy doing its own humanity things and it’s not a slight (kleinigheid) on you, this is an empowerment part for you.
You’re not living in tribes anymore. You’re not connected to your soul family as you normally are, so connected in it is, you could say, a hive mind mentality because you’re just—we say for those shifting to the fifth dimension, there is such an advancement of interconnection energy frequencies that you all have natural alignments with each other and that beautiful blissful state of the fifth dimension. Some of you are so used to that higher frequency because this is where you usually want to hang out and spend your experiences as a soul.
When you come to the density of Earth, you feel insecure, especially those who are intuitive to know their moral compass and to know their own truth, but to be conformed and conditioned to comply with the systems. We’re seeing many of you have not liked yourselves at a physical level because you’re trying to compare yourselves to others, and you also have this assumption that if you were looking like someone else, as you compare yourself to others, you would be what you assume is happy. It’s not until you’re mature enough to realize that everyone has their own struggles. Everyone has their own journey and lessons and their own experiences with emotions.
For those who have not had that much time to be in this density to have all of the experiences here on Earth, they’ve got a lot of catching up to do. They need to experience it all. They still find that they judge others for their body size and shapes, and this is not empowering you, and this is not empowering others. You must see each other as souls, to love each other as you know you’re needing to do, to be able to raise a higher frequency. As you are allowed to play the game of life and you wanted to fit in, and we are saying fitting in isn’t truly empowering you all to some degree because there are what you call the famous people and the celebrities and the influencers that you’re all trying to be alike with, either fashion or trends or various forms. We are saying when you’re playing human, you want to be human, and you want to fit in as being human. You do the things that you think are trendy to be able to have an expression statement to everyone that you’re cool, you’re hip, and you’ve got it going on.
What you’re saying is fantastic, but this doesn’t quite serve humanity anymore, as we’re needing humanity to evolve at a conscious level to see beyond, beyond the meat suit. The evolved monkey, so we actually do prefer to say. So there is that. We are saying when you have an ascension of your expanded consciousness to remember that your souls are here playing human. You can actually drop all the labels and all the judgments of how each other is responding and expressing their journey on Earth thus far. When you stop looking at the surface and you start looking at the integrity and the agendas and what they say, what they don’t say, and how they conduct themselves and how they treat others. This is where we could say will be best for your focus and your empathy because you can see what’s really going on for them and how they are responding and reacting and even notice your reaction to the world around them.
Ultimately, you’re all seeking to have advancements of perspectives and to have pure love for yourself and full acceptance of yourself. Right now, yourself as human right now is a part of your expression of self as a human body. Don’t let that hold you back from your advancements, but we are saying when you see beyond the skin and feel into each other’s souls, this will help activate you and be able to support them and activate them. We say think of all the times that you have judged yourself and belittled yourself and limited yourself because you didn’t think that you were good enough because of your physical body, because you didn’t think you’d be fast enough or strong enough or agile enough or pretty enough. Think of all the times that you have limited your Earth experiences because you have labeled yourself as not enough in any way.
Did you not go for that career because you weren’t enough? Did you not go for that friendship because you weren’t enough?
What have you been holding yourself back from? We should say, what had you been holding yourself back with? Because this is about honoring all experiences and all your choices that you’ve had here on Earth. We want to say, remember the times also when you’ve tried to empower yourself to love yourself and respect others, and then you felt the heavy criticism of being judged and ridiculed and dismissed because of your gender, because of your pant size, because of the way you have your hair, because of the way you pronounce your words. Think of all the things that you’re noticing people still judging you on, and isn’t it marvelous when you recognize that it doesn’t impact you anymore? You don’t comply with the projections; it doesn’t bother you.
You have grown so much, and you all truly have. But of course, these experiences, from what you could say from time to time from the past, will be coming now to revisit you to allow you to deeply feel it, to recognize you don’t deserve this judgment of self. You don’t deserve this judgment from others. You know your soul value, you know your soul’s worth, you know you are of service to love all. When others are trying to make you comply, make you judge, and make you feel less than, well, that is their choice to do so. But there’s really a reflection on where their journey is at. You can also choose to respond to feel it. We are saying many are getting triggered right now, which is perfect; we’re absolutely thrilled that you’re finally able to honor your emotions and all earnestness, all these insecurities, all of those things that come up when you are triggered. Truly feel all of it, do not just dismiss it, and think all is purposeful, all is significant moving on.
Because for some of you, we know that you can master this very well by truly feeling the range of emotions and truly empowering yourself through it. It may take you some time to figure out that this is you being of service to humanity. On behalf of humanity, we say thank you, and you can say you’re welcome because you’re here for it, and we love that about you.
So there is that. We’re wanting to have a lighter conversation because we have triggered the vehicle to remember how others want to demean people through their physical size. And how, when you don’t feel loved and you’re trying to get love and attention from others, you can’t starve yourselves. You can try to conform to what you think is going to get you the love from others, the attention from others. She is sensitive to criticism of weight, but we have triggered her back to when she was much younger to be able to have this reference point to see once again how, and we want to be very 3D with our labeling right now, how very vulgar and crass humans have treated each other because of the physical body. When you are labeling and judging someone because of the physical body, you’re dismissing the soul within. You’re not honoring that full being. The more you empower yourself, the less these experiences impact you. You know you could feel belittled and rejected and tell yourself how you’re not worthy and you deserve nothing because you are nothing. You could keep telling yourself many things that you have done in the past to make yourself feel small and disempowered. We see many of you have done this to various degrees for various reasons.
Look at your motives of how you’re responding and behaving toward the body. We say high-frequency vibrational happy people who are in gratitude are fantastically beautiful to others regardless of your pant size. Regardless of whether you’re a runner or not. Regardless if you like jazz hands or not and regardless if you use tissues or not. There is much to be said about how you’re all torturing yourselves with your mindsets when you’ve not felt like you were enough.

You’ve always always been enough. It’s not possible for you to have not been enough. You’ve always been perfect in how you have been here, and it’s your choices and your belief systems of self that have impacted you. Yes, other people can help you with their opinions to make you feel like you shouldn’t adopt their opinions of you. You are naturally high-frequency. It’s when you start adding the fear and the worry and the bad talk, the trash talk, that you have about yourself. Because when you forget and when you don’t apply that you can love yourself completely to empower yourself completely, you make all these other excuses and assumptions and perspectives of why you don’t feel loved. You’re trying to seek out how to find love, and so you have many confusing ways of understanding to try and get to love. This is not an accident. There are many systems and movies and media and peer pressure to remind you what should be ‘perfect’ to be then lovable and loved.
We even see you do it to each other to some degree. We are saying this is a classic case where there is competition to show how much you’re loved, and this is represented in the bounty that you get bestowed upon you for Mother’s Day, for example. We see many people who shower their mothers with gifts to please them to know that this is going to be posted on social media and you’re going to look like a hero and champion. Even though you may not truly do all the things you need to do to empower your mother. Or those mothers that want to show other mothers how their children still love them. The illusions of how your family operates, behind the scenes, are interesting, very interesting.

When we talk about mothers and the relationships with mothers, you all have this big fundamental relationship with Gaia which you didn’t even necessarily realize, because she is your mother in the sense that you were born from her. While your mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother are all extensions of that, ultimately it was from Gaia’s body that you were born. You have to be metaphysically mature to understand that connection of why you still have an essence of her within you. This is an important thing for you to understand and recognize. While you’re aware of your birth parents, you’re not always aware of your other ancestors, and we could say Source is your ancestor and Gaia has also been your ancestor, a direct line if you will. So it’s so convoluted; you’re surrounding the family even though sometimes you feel completely isolated and alone. We say some of you still have this assumption that just because you have blood brothers and sisters here in a family dynamic, you should be best friends and empower each other. We’re saying humans are always going to be human, so honor the best that a human can do for you and for themselves, and not take it personally; see, accept, respect, and understand humans. When you have ascended in your consciousness expansion to know that you are an advanced soul playing in the game of life here on Earth, you will not take humans and their behaviors in response to their actions so personally as you see their journey and honor their journey.
Be proud of every time you realize that you’re not taking the triggers of personal attacks where they are completely oblivious to them. So there is so much to be said, and we feel like we have gotten sidetracked from the ultimate conversation that we wanted to share with you all. It was to be able to give you a perspective and a gift to remind you not to judge yourselves for being in the human body. And how that has expressed itself through its journey.
By simply loving and adoring every part of you is always going to be profound.

We’re saying to you, just as you know, no one else can truly love you like you can love yourself, and no one else can truly accept and respect you as you should love yourself, respect yourself, and accept yourself. We say give to others as you do to yourself, which is to accept yourself and recognize the struggles and the temptations to start literally betraying your own self-worth as you’re trying to compare yourself to your younger version of your body and to other people’s versions of their bodies. You are completely in control of your mindsets and how you feel, and we are saying for those people who have been suddenly delightfully reminded of past triggers or a pain that humanity has experienced and suffered by being disempowered and told you’re not enough because of your body. We are reminding you again that you’ve always been enough, and it’s your mindsets that have believed in who you are.
We say this is a marvelous time to believe in yourselves. While you can absolutely believe in yourselves, you can absolutely trust that you’re growing in all the best ways, so notice what you’re still judging and classifying and limiting yourself with because you’re beautiful. Your soul essence is beautiful. We want you to have a moment to really feel into how you have treated the body as you have struggled to find self-worth through your mindsets and emotions, and we also say identify those people who are trying to teach you to have self-worth by not valuing you.
These concepts are from what we are seeing and observing about how you feel about yourselves and how you think about others, how you think about yourself. We know many of you are already beyond beating yourself up today. Of course, there always could be more room for loving self because all of your experiences, all of your time here on Earth has been long. You can easily throw thousands of insults your way when you feel frustrated that you don’t have what you think and perceive you should be having. You throw your self-worth out the window when you want to criticize the weight you’re carrying, the money that you think you lack because you need to stay humble. You are fantastic at empowering yourself and being a great friend to yourself and a great family member to yourself, and we always are here for you too. Don’t forget that we’re always with you and we don’t go anywhere; we will never disempower you, we will never judge you, we will never abandon you, we will never ridicule you. You’ll never try to make yourself feel less than. Because we see what it’s doing to you when we would never want to do this to you. I mean, you can be so skilled at doing it for yourselves.
We love to empower you and inspire you to grow and have the courage and faith that you can expand beyond your fears and limitations and expand beyond what other people may think and feel of you. That is the challenge because they feel terrible about themselves. They can’t focus on their own self-worth and empowerment, so they have an unhealthy hobby to bully others, to belittle others, to hurt others on purpose.
Some brilliant teachable moments and others we see are quite destructive, and we’re trying to get their attention. There is much to be said, and we do much to empower and support you all, but of course, it’s your choices and how you want to behave and step up or step back or step down that determine what you do with the information and the nudges you get within your inner system of inner knowing. Feel into this: the more you have faith and trust in your self-worth, the easier it is for you to be of service to the conscious collective and to feel into all these injustices at a social level. Because while you don’t feel like personally you’ve had crimes against humanity happen to you, you have all been criticized in one way or another or many ways. How you’re not enough or how you compare yourself to others. So look at this: while you can’t change how other people want to disempower you, you can change how you want to empower yourself. When you recognize other people being disempowered by others, you have a voice to step up and encourage and inspire and love and nurture people to find metaphysical truth versus 3D belittlement.
We understand many of you don’t feel that comfortable talking about advanced metaphysics, but we are saying that you know how to be good humans. You all extremely know how to be good humans.
Say these sayings with us:
Love yourself to love all.
Feel in to heal it.
Make light of light work.
Be able to embrace each other who are here.
Also aware and noticing just how tarnished and disempowered people who are stuck and cannot see how their demeanor and behavior are impacting themselves and others. You know not to judge them because that just impacts them further, so find teachable moments to encourage them to grow and mature. While you support them and love them and don’t abandon them through that. Because when you identify what the core issue for people is, what their inner work still was hidden from them to see. When you notice this and when you see this, be mindful of them. They have invisible scars they are carrying, and when you identify those scars of emotions, you can support them with first aid.
Obviously, we say the best thing in your first aid kit is your compassion and love—caring about them on a genuine level, making eye contact, really hearing them, and feeling them. To see them. To honor them. To understand them before adding in any of your own opinions, because ultimately you don’t want to coerce them or manipulate them into your belief systems. You want them to find themselves. You’re wanting them to empower themselves and you’re wanting them to love themselves because they feel valued to be able to do so and they feel safe to do so. They’re not distracted by anything else but self-empowerment. We say be accountable and responsible for your journeys and when you’re sharing with others, notice if you’re trying to get them to give you all the answers and solutions, or are you sharing with others to be able to identify your own personal root trigger for you to be able to be accountable, to be able to empower yourself through the range of emotions, to get back into love of self-respect, self, and honor the lessons that were provided for all.
We say when you focus on and judge the body, you add density to the body. You’re carrying that around with you. Your body listens to you, your body feels you and your mindset, and so it’s not what you eat; truly, it is what you think that impacts the body. We say try it, test us on that, because when you focus on loving yourself and honoring yourself and celebrating the days that you have and finding the joy and the breath. Find your joy in all the small things, and you’ll start becoming abundant and aware of how lucky you are and how connected you are.
We are saying some incredibly wealthy people in terms of beautiful friends, beautiful connections—everything is so positive around them—but yet they refuse to identify it because they don’t have one billion trillion dollars. They feel like they will never be able to see what they do have because they’re still focusing on the amount of money, versus actually stopping and looking around at what they truly have and what truly matters. We say so many of you have been distracted, and while we see fewer of you being distracted now, if you truly want to get this, apply it to empower yourself. You recognize your own growth and your own journey so far of empowerment; it feels exciting. You’re wanting more perspectives, you’re wanting more insights, and we are saying this is marvelous because you are all exploring a range of emotions that, while you’re playing human, you collected along your journey. You’re going back in time to those experiences that were heavier to just reflect, without the villain or the victim roles, but reflecting on the interactions of the lessons of what it was supposed to inspire you to empower yourself with. What were the lessons here? It is time for you all to explore and empower yourselves; you’re very capable of this.
Once again, we appreciate all of you who are growing with maturity and responsibility to empower yourselves with pure love, pure respect, and easily share it with others because you know the energy frequency is limitless and it is for all. So share it. Be with joy. We say this with love and appreciation. We truly hope that you can reflect on what we have said because body image and self-worth truly go hand in hand. We say this with love.
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